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Frequently Asked Questions

Telemedicine in CA

Is Telemedicine Provided on a Phone Call or a Video Call?

Yes to both. You can access your medical practitioner through your smart phone and/or your computer, tablet or laptop.

Who Is Eligible to Use Telemedicine in California?

Everybody is eligible to use telemedicine. You do not need to have health insurance to sign up for telemedicine.

Is Telemedicine For Children Only?

No. It is for everybody. Parents or guardians will need to be involved in starting the process when your child visits with a medical practitioner.

How Long Are Sessions with a Doctor?

The length of the session will depend on the reason you are calling. Sessions with therapists, councilors and other mental health professionals may be longer than a visit with a pediatrician for a child with a cold, for example.

Does the Doctor I Talk to Have Access to My Records?

Yes. During your initial account set-up, you will furnish your medical history through secure servers.

Is it Possible to Have a Spanish Speaker?

Yes. Not only do you have access to Spanish-speaking medical professionals, there are other languages in the plan, as well.

How Do I Find the Meeting with the Doctor?

An email will be sent to you with a link. You simply click the link and wait for the doctor to come on the line.

How Can I Know That My Privacy is Respected During a Meeting with My Doctor?

Zoom, FaceTime and other software providers have met the standards of the healthcare industry privacy rules and are HIPAA compliant. Some of these platforms have not received a green light from HIPAA, so be sure the one you and your medical practitioner uses is compliant with HIPAA privacy regulations.